
Project 52: Little Stories 2024

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One theme, one photo, once a week, for one entire year: a Project 52. If you’ve been looking for a free photography project to keep you accountable that has flexibility, this one is for you!

New Year, New Project 52

Every time a new year approaches, I find myself wanting to set goals and this year has been no different. When setting goals, I try to break them down into different categories, one area I have always tried to focus on over the past 5 years has been my photography.

This last year I felt I had neglected it a bit… I had started off with the best of intentions but life got hard, and it got the best of me which meant my passion fell to the side…

Over the last few months, I’ve found myself picking up my camera more and more but sporadically. In all honestly, I’ve felt in a bit of a creative rut.

I want or rather, I NEED, something to keep me accountable. In the past I’ve done a Project 365, or Project 52, sometimes even a 7 day Challenge…

Each time I’ve done a project like this, I’ve truly enjoyed them and I always look back in awe of the stories I’ve documented. I’m a person that works well with set goals.

Which got me to thinking…

This next year is one of SIGNIFICANT change for my family. We’ll be packing and moving across the country again and what better time to take all the photographs than right now?

I know, you probably think I’m crazy, taking on a photography project with such huge life changes coming up… but you should know, it’s projects like this that keep me motivated when life throws me curveballs. I’ve learned the last few years, that photography plays a huge part in my mental health. Photography is a bit of self-care for myself.

It’s projects like this that at the end of the night when I’m exhausted, everyone is in bed, and I’m at my computer editing in the dark that I get to thinking….

“this, these photographs, they give me life.”

So with all that in mind…. I introduce you to

Project 52: Little Stories 2024

Welcome to Project 52: Little Stories, a year-long visual journey of storytelling. This project is a commitment to capture, create, and share a photo each week for an entire year. I hope you’ll join me as we explore the stories, challenges, and creative revelations that unfold through the lens, week by week. We will let our frames tell a tale of growth, inspiration, and the beauty found in the everyday frames of life.

This P52 will be slightly different than your average weekly themed projects. Instead of changing a theme each week, you’ll pick a theme for your project for the entire year. Our goal will be to tell “our story” each week within one frame.

My hope is that this set up will allow everyone the creativity they desire and any genre will be able to participate.

Where to Find Project 52: Little Stories?

I’ll be holding a space for us in my little cozy corner of the internet here and on Facebook!

This platform will be where I share our work. It may be a weekly or monthly blog post, I’ll decide more on this once the project gets up and going and I feel things out.

Over on Facebook is where you will find our community, where we can chat, ask questions, find (or seek) encouragement, share images and grow together throughout the year.


Our P52 Community

A community takes more than one and that’s where you come in. I hope you’ll join me there, and invite your friends. I’m excited to have a space for us to share together as a community on Facebook but that requires everyone to show up and share.

I feel like it’s important to note, you will only get as much out of this project as you put in.

This Project 52 will be free and open to all. It’s honestly a passion project for me. It’s something I need and thought others may too so I’ll hold that space for us all.

I can feel the financial pressures of the last year and I’ve seen far too many photographers lately say they can’t afford to do photography projects they want because of the price that is attached to them. This project has been thoughtfully designed to hold space for anyone that needs it without the price tag attached.

Join me in this uncomplicated journey, a straightforward P52 to collectively explore and share our creativity.

I hope you’ll join me and I can’t wait to share more with you soon.

If you’re sharing on instagram, our tag will be #P52Stories.

Before You Go…

I’m so excited to finally be able to have a space to share my love for photography with you. I’ve always truly believed that you learn by doing and it’s projects like this that have made me into the photographer I am.

Maybe your a seasoned photographer or a total beginner, either way I can’t wait to share a space with you and learn and grow together!

Don’t forget to follow along with me on Instagram where I’ll be sharing more of my work.

If you have any questions you can connect with me on Instagram or message me directly HERE.

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