The Ultimate Utility Providers Template for Your PCS Binder!

Utility Providers Template
A military move (PCS) to a new home can be an exciting yet overwhelming experience, which is why I created the Utility Providers Template. When it comes to managing your utility services, say good to the stress of trying to stay organized.
This template is a comprehensive worksheet created with you in mind, it will enable to you keep all your utility providers and important information in one location.
The Utility Providers Template was crafted to streamline your moving process, providing you with a convenient checklist to ensure all your utility needs are met.
Whether you’re relocating across town or across the country (maybe even overseas), this invaluable tool will ensures you stay organized, managing both the setup of utilities at your new location and the discontinuation of services at your previous address effortlessly.
PCS Season
If you’re a military family, you either love or hate PCS Season.
“PCS Season” is the time of year when the military begins the juggling act of moving service members from their current base (location) to their next base (location) to fulfill their needs for the upcoming year.
Most service members PCS roughly ever 2-4 years to a new location. Each PCS is full of it’s own surprises but I’m hoping to make your next move a little bit smoother.
But first, why am I sharing a Utility Provider’s Template? What do I know about moving?
Let’s dig in..
Our PCS Journey
Our first PCS was from West Virginia to JBSA, talk about a total whirlwind. It was my first experience with a military move and after hearing all these stories about the military moving you I thought it’d be straight forward and simple but it wasn’t.
Our orders arrived late, too late to get military movers and we ended up doing a full DITY (meaning we did the entire move ourselves).
We did get lucky after our first PCS and ended up at JBSA (Joint Base San Antonio) for 6 years. However, we lived our life in basically 2-3 year increments.
We originally knew we would be at JBSA for 3 years of medical training. As our third year was coming to a close, we found out that my husband was selected for for another 3 years of traning at JBSA.
We ended up buying a house during this time and moving across town into a home better fit for our family but this meant starting and stopping utilities again for both houses.
At the end of the second three years, they decided kept my husband on for an additional year before sending us on our next PCS across the country once again to NYC/NJ.
Now once again, we’re prepping for another cross country move from NYC/NJ back to JBSA and here I am trying to remember account numbers and names of utility providers, this is where the template comes into play.

PCS Binder
If you’re a military family you know what that PCS season means a lot of changes in the forseeable future.
While I was in the process of getting things set up for our new house, I knew how important it would be to keep track of each of our utility providers along with all their information.
Trust me, our last PCS, I had a notebook that I thought would be the “best place” to have all my utility providers information in but I have like 5 notebooks at any given time and lost it at one point.
Therefore, I created the utility providers template so you’ll have all your information in one location that’s easy to access, inside your PCS Binder!
I created this worksheet for you to customize as needed with each of your utility service providers.
Originally I was going to have specific categories, such as electric, water, internet, etc. but as I started working on my own list, I realized that not all houses will have the same type of utilities.
For example, this will be my first house with propane, I didn’t want to create a category for propane if it’s not beneficial to you.
This lead me to create a basic worksheet that allows you to list the utilities services that are relevant to you.
In addition, I added a checkbox for “start” or “stop” utilities. This way whether you need to call and terminate services or start your services you’ll have your information together with everything you need from account numbers, phone numbers, and their websites.
The last thing you need when you move to a new location is to be scrambling to find out the name of your electric company so that you can pay the bill. After your first few moves all those electric company names start running together in your head.
You can now get my template FREE and never have to worry about misplacing that information again.

Grab Your Free Utility Providers Template
You can grab your free template below! Once you input your email address, you’ll receive an email with the free download.
PCS Binder Feedback
If you’ve made a binder before and found certain documents helpful please leave me a comment below!
I’d love to include anything you may have found helpful to share with others.
Don’t forget to check out my Military PCS Binder Supply List to start your binder for your next PCS!
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